Fish ‘n’ Ships: Shanties, Hornpipes, and Sea Songs
Fish ‘n’ Ships
Shanties, Hornpipes, and Sea Songs
Fish ‘n’ Ships is a fun and easy book of 38 Shanties, Hornpipes, and Sea Songs, arranged especially for each instrument.
Starting with the easiest, this collection is ideal for sight reading, fun tunes to work on, or even singing in the shower! Great for entertaining the family, busking, and also a terrific way to keep your fingers twiddling and a grin across your face! Most of the tunes have words, all are in easy keys,
and there’s even a jolly Sailor’s Slang page (glossary) at the back!
Who can play?
Available for: Brilliant Bassoon, Mini-Bassoon, Tenoroon, Bubbly Double Bass, Catchy Clarinet, Chortling Cello, Excellent Oboe, Flying Flute, Ruby Recorder, Super Saxophone, Terrific Trombone, Trusty Trumpet, Twinkling Tuba, Valiant Viola, and Vibrant Violin!
What’s in the book?
Have a look at the image on the right – it’s the full contents page. Click to enlarge.
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